The Fashion week in Milan, Italy started off with a bang! A week prior to the kick off for Fashion Week, as the campaign waged against Anorexia was displayed in a poster Modeled by French Actress Isabel Caro, taken by the controversial photographer, Toscani, known for his impacting photos of aids victims.
During last years controversy over the death of three models, due to anorexia, the fashion world reacted by taking action on awareness of anorexia, and creating a healthy environment for the models walking the runways. The talks were held privately with Health Officials and Fashion House Representatives, from Nation to Nation, where the major houses of Fashion Lives. London, Milan, Spain, and Brazil, kept their promise to set a criteria for the Modeling Industry, but France remained firm in their objection to mingling Fashion and the term 'anorexia', where they have demonstrated beliefs that anorexia has nothing to do with the Fashion world.
But after a week of grand attention, and reactions to the billboard in Milan, the world is waiting with bated breath to see what Paris will do, during the upcoming Fashion Week, commencing this Saturday.
The buzz on the street says, France is divided. As the two Couture Houses are split on their decision. The Ready-to-wear Houses are not as hostile to the concept that some Models do suffer from anorexia, and they are quite willing to help.
Didier Grumbach, head of the French Couture Federation, publicly makes no qualms about rejecting the concept of mixing skinny Models, and anorexia. That side of the fence has their heels dug, to remain constant and reject any change in the Fashion image of too-skinny Models.
Where it is a fact, that the Modeling Industry isn't entirely to blame for anorexia, there is a piece of the responsibility of imaging, and sending messages to young girls, that come from all aspects of the media range. Which that category does entail Fashion. Not all countries would agree that the Fashion World can utterly refuse to accept that anorexia is strongly associated with Models, and has been for a long time. Its not a new concept by no means, and thanks to leading edge countries such as Italy, Brazil, UK, and Spain, its finally become socially acceptable to publicly discuss it, and take action.
On the other side of the fence in Paris?
One of the Leading Fashion Houses, Prada, for example, had no qualms about smoothing into a transition of displaying their models, without a 00 in the midst. Lara Stone, a size 8 Dutch model with a 34in bustline showing through her see-through fine-knit shirt, was selected last week by Prada to head the label, which her grandfather founded. Also the fact that she is a mother, adds to the glory for women! Designers, agencies, and the public alike are applauding Prada, for staying in the lead of Fashion, but taking the lead on bringing back healthy Models to the fashion industry.
The buzz on the street in Paris says, Isabel Caros' Nude Anorexic Poster could run in the national French newspaper Libération next week, although that is an unconfirmed report, and it could be possible that the billboard will also be displayed, barring the naked truth about anorexia.
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